Introduction to Ezekiel - What Do You Love?

Jan 7, 2024    John Caprine

Few will venture into the book of Ezekiel. As one of the longest books of the Bible and buried deep in the Old Testament prophets, it can feel antiquated and irrelevant to our culture and personal needs today. But the book of Ezekiel is indeed for us today! A book that covers themes of: God’s glory and His sovereignty, man’s sinfulness, the certainty of judgment, as well as the promise of mercy and hope for the future.

Ezekiel is a book for the imagination. Its visions are sometimes thrilling, other times frightening. Its words of judgment are strong, but its language of hope is even stronger.

Ezekiel is a book that reminds us of God’s holiness and His heart for His people. It is a book that exposes our “loves”. We see God in His majesty and are to worship Him with our whole beings – with everything! No religiosity, no pretense – but true wholehearted worship for our great God! We get a deep dose of His heart for our lives today.

Our study in Ezekiel will draw us to the Lord where we will find His grace is indeed magnificent and just what we need to navigate our days as we await heaven.