Needy, Needed & Dependent

Nov 5, 2023    John Caprine

The end of Paul's letter to Titus might seem irrelevant on first glance. Paul mentions four of his friends and coworkers, wishes Titus grace and then ends. It almost appears as if it's a formality of sorts. One might even be tempted to think that somehow these conclusions, also found in Romans, Corinthians, Colossians, etc. are somehow less inspired than the rest of the revealed Word. However, they are for our instruction. In fact, the practical implications of these words and what they have to say to us today are profoundly useful. Listen to Pastor John wrap up our series in Titus by reminding us of the overarching point of the book: Remaining fruitful in good works as we admit that we are needy creatures who are needed by others, utterly dependent on the grace of God.